esProc Users

Data Analyzer
An operational data analyst who is capable to compose some simple scripts in most cases is preparing some materials for the incoming meeting. However, some operations are rather difficult. In order to complete these calculating target, more capable computing tools is necessary to supplement the lack of SQL.

Database Administer
Data is distributed in multiple business systems, unordered and unsystematic, which makes data consumers hard to tap the potential value of these data and use them for multipurpose. Then, in this case, the database administer can resort to esProc to build a usable and universal view for these data.

There is a Java system which requires the raw data being computed by SP and then represented. But the client does not allow the programmers from outsourcing organization to add SP in the database at will. Or, although the client allows those programmers to add SP, the programmer is hard to compose such complicated SP.

Report Designer
Report designers often encounter such problems: They need to fetch from a variety of data sources, while reporting tools only support a single data source; Interactive computing is required among data sources, but cross-database query is difficult to achieve; Data sources have to go through complex calculations before directly been use for reporting tools. esProc provides JDBC driver, which can not only be called as a data source by reporting tools, but also handle complex data preparation, releasing report designers from above troubles.