Smart Formula Parsing

• Smart recognition of the essence of a computing goal according to hierarchical levels and homorows;

• Automatic and intelligent formula migration, without copy and paste.

The following table lists the most frequently used surnames in some countries and the count of people using each surname. The task is to calculate the total population that use these surnames in each country and region, as well as the proportion of the population that use each surname in a country’s total population with the most commonly used surnames.


To compute the total population with the most common surnames in each country and region, esCalc users only need to input the same formula ={D4}.sum() in D2 and D3. The result is as shown below:


As you can see, the desired total population in each country and region has been obtained. The formula has intelligently migrated, parsed and calculated according to the positions of homocells.

To compute the proportion taken by the population using each of the most common surnames, esCalc users only need to write the formula =D4/D3 in E4, as shown below:

Thus the computation is completed for all surnames in all countries. The result is as shown below:
