esProc Licensing Policy & Upgrade

Licensing Policy
The esProc Free Edition (both IDE and JDBC, the same below) is allowed for unlimited times of portion for once download. It will work with a public and already-embedded register code which users can gain from the Download Centre.

The esProc Trial Edition requires a register code which will expire within a month, but no limit for portion. Once expired, users can regain a register code from the Download Centre.

The esProc IDE Free Edition and Trial Edition will attempt to connect the product official web server for counting the total numbers of users. If the connection failed (eg, when you are not online), the program will not be launched successfully.

Please note that the serial number generated randomly will be sent to the server and we will NOT collect any personal information on users’ computer.

Currently in the esProc IDE Free Edition and Trial Edition, there aren’t any advisement embedded. But there will be in later versions without notification in advance.

Users can get a register code for the esProc Standard Edition after pay for the license. The portion of standard license is not allowed, and the times are also fixed for installation.

The register code is required as long as you use any function of esProc standard edition, no matter used independently in IDE or integrated into other applications in JDBC. However, regarding some applications for integrating, esProc free edition can fully satisfy your needs, you can sigh the program file for free by email to

esProc IDE Standard Edition will never attempt to connect the esProc official server, and none of esProc JDBC edition will attempt to connect any internet server too.

You can get free upgrade under the same version, once we release a new update, you need to download the new install package from download centre again, but you don’t need a new registration code.

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