Often faced with such tasks?

  • Do the same summary statistics for more than 500 Excel files
  • Remove duplicate lines from text files
  • Compare the difference between two CSV files
  • Combine dozens of Excel files;Split large Excel into several small ones
  • Several Excel data needs to be joined with the same column

Obsessed with these problems?

  • File can be handled if loaded into MySQL, but it is too troublesome to install and import
  • Python installed,but version is not right. It can read Excel2017 , but can not recognize Excel2003
  • Java is too hard to learn and use;Have to do manually every time.
  • The file is too large, memory overflowed after reading

What are the problems with the current commonly used technologies?


  • Need professional programmers, high technical requirements
  • Computing class libraries are few and the code is tedious
  • Complex configuration of development environment


  • File needs to be loaded into database before calculation, very troublesome
  • Complex deployment, configuration and algorithm
  • IDE is unfriendly, debugging is difficult


  • Syntax is not designed specifically for structured data computing
  • Complex computing is not easy to develop
  • Incompatible between versions
  • Troublesome installation and configuration of peripheral open source package

Free computing using esProc

With basic programming knowledge, you can calculate files freely, self-service and quickly
Desktop level tool, ready to use, simple environment configuration!

Convenient development environment

Install and use immediately, with perfect debugging function

Agile syntax

Count the longest consecutively rising trading days for a stock.


1 import pandas as pd
2 def iterate(col):
3 prev = 0;
4 res = 0;
5 val = 0;
6 for curr in col:
7 if curr – prev > 0:
8 res += 1;
9 else:
10 res = 0;
11 prev = curr;
12 if val < res:
13 val = res;
14 return val;
15 data = pd.read_excel('D:/Stock.xlsx',sheet_name=0). sort_values('Date').groupby('Company')['Price'].apply(iterate);


1 =file("D:/Stock.xlsx").xlsimport@t().sort(Date).group(Company)
2 =0
3 =A1.max(A2=if(Price>Price[-1],A2+1,0))

Professional syntax in the field of set operation, code is more concise for the same process!

Direct SQL syntax

Use SQL directly for files,and there is no need to import data into database.
1 $SELECT * FROM D:/Stock.xlsx WHERE Company='0001' ORDER BY date
2 $SELECT Company,max(price),min(price) from D:/Stock.xls WHERE month(date)=1 GROUP BY Company
3 $SELECT Company.Name,Stock.date,Stock.price FROM D:/Stock.xls Stock LEFT JOIN D:/Company.txt Company ON Stock.company=Company.ID
Simple SQL in SPL

Procedure-oriented computing

Reliable loop branch control

Multiple data source interfaces

  • txt、log、CSV、ini
  • xls、xlsx
  • Excel versions 2003…2013…2019
  • xml、json

Example: Differences between texts

Relative to old.csv, find the new records in new.csv, where username and date jointly determine a record.
Old.csv New.csv
  userName,date,saleValue,saleCount userName,date,saleValue,saleCount
1 Rachel,2015-03-01,4500,9 Rachel,2015-03-01,4500,9
2 Rachel,2015-03-03,8700,4 Rachel,2015-03-02,5000,5
3 Tom,2015-03-02,3000,8 Ashley,2015-03-01,6000,5
4 Tom,2015-03-03,5000,7 Rachel,2015-03-03,11700,4
5 Tom,2015-03-04,6000,12 Tom,2015-03-03,5000,7
6   John,2015-03-04,4800,4
  A B C
1 =file("d:\\old.csv").import@ct() =file("d:\\new.csv").import@ct() /Comma separated text
2 =new=[B1,A1].merge@od()   /Difference set

Example: Group aggregation of multiple excel and multiple sheets

There are multiple excel files in the same directory, and each excel file has multiple sheets. The format of the sheets is the same. Merge all the sheets of all excel files, group by month and calculate the sum and average of amount.
Customer ID Customer Name Invoice Number Amount Purchase Date
1234 John Smith 100-0002 $1,200.00 2013/1/1
2345 Mary Harrison 100-0003 $1,425.00 2013/1/6
3456 Lucy Gomez 100-0004 $1,390.00 2013/1/11
4567 Rupert Jones 100-0005 $1,257.00 2013/1/18
5678 Jenny Walters 100-0006 $1,725.00 2013/1/24
6789 Samantha Donaldson 100-0007 $1,995.00 2013/1/31
  A B C
1 for directory@p("d:/excel/*.xlsx") =file(A1).xlsopen() /Loop every excel in the directory
2   =B1.conj(B1.xlsimport@t(;~.stname)) /Loop every sheet
3   =@|B2 /Merge sheets in turn

=A4.groups (month('Purchase Date'):Month;sum(Amount):Total,avg(Amount):Average)

/Group aggregation

The comparison between esProc SPL and the common language

SPL technical characteristics

  • AgilityInstall-and-use, simple environment configuration, no additional plug-ins
  • ApplicabilityPerfect class libraries and procedure computing for complex data processing
  • UsabilitySimple and intuitive syntax, easy to debug, no professional programmer required
  • OpennessBuilt-in multiple data source interfaces, direct computing
  • IntegrationSeamlessly embedded into applications, easy to convert to in application computing

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